Hêdd Roberts

Hêdd Roberts is Head of Customer Solutions on the NGET executive team. 

During 20 years with National Grid, he has worked in various commercial and engineering roles, covering charging and access development, investment and customer and commercial services. 

The focus of his new role is boosting ET’s proactive involvement with customers, “partnering with them to find solutions that work for them and their businesses.”  

As he sees it, setting up the new ET business was a chance to improve on traditional approaches and attitudes. “We’re trying to set up ways of working that are more agile using small, multi-discipline teams that are customer-focused. It’s an exciting time for us; we have a lot of learning to do.” 

Early in his career, Hêdd took the lead for National Grid on the transmission access review that resulted in a set of arrangements called Connect and Manage which allowed non-traditional power generators to connect quicker to the network. 

He managed work that evolved into the annual Network Options Assessment (NOA) through which the National Grid Electricity System Operator (ESO) reviews UK-wide needs and identifies the most efficient ways of investing in the ET system, and then managed the investments in the system that arose from NOA recommendations. 

Much of his recent work has been improving ET’s service for energy generators seeking network connections. “As the energy market fragments, we’re trying to come up with propositions that are helpful to smaller projects,” he says. This focus on the “customer journey” includes speeding up customer response and giving customers a connection offer in the shortest possible time – it has also covered improvements to the ET website and online tools. 

With ET separating from the ESO, his team also has oversight of revenue recovery, business planning, industry codes and related factors that affect the business. 

Hêdd holds a BEng in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from the University of Manchester. Away from work, he enjoys family time with his young daughter, music (he’s a self-proclaimed ‘bad pianist’) and mountain biking which takes him as often as possible to the Lake District and Wales.